Recently, in everyday life, in idle moments, people usually to tell ourselves stories about the blonde girl.
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The implication of this story offensive and defamatory to the less intelligent of the "blonde girl". So the fact that women with blonde hair have less intelligent as described in their stories?
We can say the blonde beauty is one of the topics that has discussed the most by the society. There are countless sayings, proverbs of them.
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Even with the time period, there have been movements admired blond hair, from the 19th century to the early 20th century.
In 1886, younger sister of the famous German psychologist - Friedrich Nitztsche - have ever used ships to transport an entire blond village to live in a dense forest in Paraguay to conduct experimental research on the blonde hair. So far, that area with the majority of people have blonde hair and blue eyes are still called "Nueva Germania" (New German).
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In a study investigating of women with blond hair of Saarland University (Germany), the vast majority of people who receive report cards in 1243 poll, have observed that women with blond hair less intelligent than others!
However, when they perform a trick such as using image processing techniques as "bald" all the girls in the photos, the blonde women look more intelligent than dark-haired people, less a slightly compared with the brown hair and is rated on par with those who have red hair.
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